View Profile mattodom

Age 35

Joined on 8/16/07

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i love you mattodom

<slaps> hes mine >:C

gay chicken

Wow That wasted my life

wellie wellie wellie so how the mighty have fallen from the little tree branch eating soft papayia fruits and also the spawn of satan......... marzipan

lalalalalalalalalalala hiiiiiiiiiiiii why r u like me so much???? u like iq and big red button and stufffff and uhhhh u read my story and uhhhhh yea well im adding u on the famed favorites list... even tho well... only splapp is really my favorite... my only favorite... or rather his stuff is all my favorite... ur my favorite cause ur like a guy version of me and must therefore be my friend... uhh yea well... um riiight i already annoyed u enough in my pm so uhh ill stfu now ^.^ but only for a lil :)

im baaaaaaaaaaaaak miss me? u better have... right so anyways............... ever play the mmorpg runescape?? welllllllll?????? meh why doesnt newgrounds like me... the games on here never load :((((( except splapps games, but sometimes they dont load either - like now :( ummmm yea so lets see how to entertain myself.... ohhh i know! annoy someone... wait that only works if the person is reading what im writing -.- which splapp does and i hope u do... well hell u read my book so of course u do... yaaaaaaaaaaaaay ty for that btwwwww oh and go to splapps umm thingie i kneed him lol read it ^.^ its funny ummmm yeaaaaaaaa anyways im bored as hell hmm i wonder if badly drawn dawg will load... i should go try... *hums badly drawn dawgs songie thing* oh right ne ways ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm yea idk if i told u but my names jaclyn ^.^ i know i told someone... but idk who... ehh oh well wont kill ya to here it twice and yes i know i could pm u about all this but than the ppl who post here wouldnt know about my book - read it ppl its good he even said so!!!! uhh yea welllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllll <.< badly drawn dawg time!!!!!!! and snack time too... im hungry... stupid mom she hasnt gone food shopping in a month wtf is wrong with her hows she expect me to live on take out -.-

wow i didnt realize i wrote that much... anyways yea... snack time, badly drawn dawg time... read my book... yea thats about it... oh play runescape! it owns!!!!

hi yes i do play runescape why are you like me so much?

im not like u ur like me im older therefore u copied me i didnt copy u - and ur b day better not be dec 17th... i met some1 on rs once that had the same b day as me lmao it was weird... lol rs acc name? mines karlu20 perm muted uhh my newer acc thats kinda old anyways is alexes gf - but alex is my x not my bf and uhh yeaaa ffs dont call me alexis or alexa etc cause ppl do tht on rs and my fing name is jaclyn!!!! anyways yeaa.... i cant play rs anymore but anyways karlus like lvl 68 and alexes gf is around lvl 50ish a lil higher, has full sara... well the pl8 and the skirt, and a guthix skirt... gave the rest of the sara away lol........ soooo rs name? rs lvl? ever have a main on rs that was perm mutted or banned? and uhhhhhh yeaaaaaaaaaaaaa........ so anyways copy cattttt! oh well copy-catting is the sincerest form of flattery... wait copy-catting doesnt sound like a word hmm... well it is now... oh and anyways ur my friend now because u copy-catted me so uhh yea i get to force u to be my friend =[) yaaaaaaay i win...

You fail at life. Stop submitting shit to NG, and you're too young for this site anyway, its 13+ .

angry faic rocks!